Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Full site

I've been a slacker. Here's a link to my full site with more recent pics. More blog posts to come soon!


Friday, April 20, 2012

Opening Day 2012

After taking an inexcusable hiatus, this blogger is back and ready for some baseball! So much to fill you in on and talk about, it’s hard to determine where to start!

So, why not start with Opening Day 2012. Ah, Opening Day. The two words that can cause any Cardinal fan to drool after a cold winter basking in the shadow of that beautiful trophy. Two words that native St. Louis folks would like written into law as an official holiday. Two words…
If you recall from a previous post, attending a game on Opening Day is on my (should be everyone’s) Cardinals Bucket List. I couldn’t imagine a better time to place a big check next to an item. Hot off the World Series, Adam Wainwright back in the lineup, and a new team spirit sans Sir Albert. I had been dreaming of the pageantry that would be added on top of an already special occasion. In fact, I was so excited I bought tickets the minute they went on sale, and had been ogling over them ever since. 

Two more words: Rain Delay. What a bummer. After waiting months for the first pitch, driving hours to get to St. Louis, and spending (too many) dollars on those tickets, those two words come and literally rain all over the parade. 

One of the things I was really looking forward to was the trot around the field by the Budweiser Clydesdales. Being from the Derby City, I have a special fondness of horses, and these are the crème de la crème. They are class act, majestic beasts that take your breath away. Plus, I love that they bring the Dalmatian in the cart with them! When I hear that special song, my ears perk up and I look around, waiting to catch a glimpse. But the rain poured all over those hopes, and the pretty ponies were nowhere to be found.

I had read some posts from others about Opening Day and their fondness of the National Anthem on that day. Apparently it has been typical for a three-note lead-in to be played, and let the stadium full of excited fans sing the rest a capella. I, of course, cannot corroborate this, having never attended Opening Day until now, but from the volume of chatter, I’d say it’s safe to assume. In a break from tradition, Shannon Magrane, recent American Idol contestant, sang the anthem herself. I understand that we were celebrating a World Series victory, and her father, Joe Magrane, was part of the 1987 World Series team, but is that cause to break tradition? Could that have waited until Game 2 when the Cardinals received their rings? I’m proud of our country, and especially since 9/11, I tend to get sentimental when I hear the anthem. I was hoping for an emotional connection that just wasn’t there.

The other festivities were present: the all-star lap around the field, the team lap around the field, the bald eagle flight, the fly-over, etc. They also paraded around that shiny trophy and hoisted the pennant flag for our World Series victory. It stopped raining just long enough to get in these events, but the wet and cold still left a lackluster impression on all of it.
After all that hoopla, there was still a baseball game to be played. Adam Wainwright threw his first pitch at home in what felt like forever. Actually, so long that this was the first time I’ve ever seen him throw in-person. But alas, the rain came down in an ironic, mystic sort of way, hiding the tears on the faces of the fans. Even Mother Nature was saddened by loss. Finally adding insult to injury, the loss was to the Cubs.

For these reasons, I give myself only a partial ‘check’ on my bucket list. Yes, I attended. And yes, it was still St. Louis Baseball. But, we can do better…

It is also for these reasons (primarily the weather), that there are not more wonderful pictures of the event to share. But here are some, nonetheless!


#21 Allen Craig - Because I miss him and Torty!

#55 - Skip Schumaker - Because I miss him too!

Raising the new 2011 World Series Champion Pennant

Flight of the Bald Eagle

#50 Adam Wainwright's first pitch

#15 Rafael Furcal making the play

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

There's No Place Like Home

It’s time for me to fess up and admit something to you all – I was not always a St. Louis Cardinals fan. But in my defense, I live in a town ruled heavily by our love for college sports, and we have no local pro teams in baseball, basketball, football, or anything. I might have been able to latch on to the Cardinals when I was younger, when the Minor League team was still here, but they’ve since moved and left us with the Cincinnati Minor League team. Nice ball park, but come on… it’s the Reds! I’m just thankful that even though the Reds are closer that I didn’t end up somehow hitched to their wagon.

I actually never even cared for baseball. Like others that do not, I thought it was long and boring to watch. But then my soul was saved. I met my husband. 

My husband is from St. Louis and is a die-hard Cardinals fan. So of course, as our relationship continued, it was inevitable that I would find myself in the city, and then at the ballpark. It wasn’t too hard to get involved. Sir Albert, my hubby’s fave at the time, wore the number 5, which has long been “my” number. And since I am a die-hard Louisville fan, “Go Cards” already rolled off my tongue with ease. Better yet, as luck would have it, pitcher Todd Wellemeyer and I were in the same class in High School. All of these factors made it at least bearable. And of course I started taking pictures, which were turning out to be pretty cool, so that helped. But why did I fall in love?

Well, with my husband, it’s because he’s my Prince Charming and the reasons are just endless. But for the Cardinals, the trait that pushed this from acquaintance to adoration was Cardinals Nation. There is no greater fan base in all of baseball. I am so proud to be a part of a community that supports its club with such passion, but holds itself to a high standard. To see the fans give standing ovations to former players when they return shows how much each player and the game itself mean. 

And not to mention the ‘home’ of Cardinals Nation, Busch Stadium. I get chills every time I see it. It’s so beautiful. Not a bad seat in the house. And it’s full of all my fellow Cardinals Nation fans. There’s absolutely nothing like it. (And I’d be foolish not to mention it’s the home of the best hot dogs ever!)

During the World Series, I had the opportunity to experience even more of what this means. I was hugged by and high-fiving so many strangers it was crazy! We even had fans we got to know and would look for at each game. These people weren’t strangers at all… they are my extended Cardinals family. Each and every one of them. And THAT is what makes St. Louis the all-time best club to be associated with. 

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Do you smell that?

That’s the smell of baseball in the air! Pitchers and catchers report to Spring Training camps today, marking the official start of the 2012 season. Personally, there wasn’t an off-season around here. I’ve been on a post World Series high for months… Football? Basketball? I have forgotten those seasons even exist!

The start of this season is even more exciting than those past. First, it marks off another item on my Cardinals Bucket List with my first ever Spring Training visit. Drooooolll….. I’ll be attending the opening day against the Marlins in their (ahem…) new uniforms, as well as an away game against the Nationals. I’m excited to watch some baseball so early in the season and really hoping for some connections to enable my desired career change. 

Perhaps more exiting is the return of Adam Wainwright. While exploring five years’ worth of pictures for my recent video, my husband made a stunning observation. We’ve never seen Adam pitch! Sure, we’ve seen him on TV, but we haven't physically attended a game where he has pitched. That’s astonishing and sad! We’ve seen so many others (seems like it always used to be Kyle Lohse!), and even seen events such as Carp’s complete game in Baltimore, but haven’t seen Adam throw anything other than the opening pitch at the World Series. It’s amazing to think that we won without the other half of the dynamic duo! 

We’ve always been big fans of Adam. He’s a truly remarkable pitcher. He has a great personality and sense of humor. He has teamed up with our all-time favorite BBQ joint, Pappy’s Smokehouse, to promote his charity (the Catch a Dream Foundation). He’s the kind of guy you love to see on the field and would love to hang out with on a Friday night. 

Welcome back, Adam! Looking forward to a great season!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Highlight Video

Below is my highlight video for your consideration. I'd love nothing more than to work for the St. Louis Cardinals organization as a photographer. Wish me luck!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

The Bucket List

There are so many magical experiences a person can have as a Cardinals fan. So many done, and so many left to do. With that in mind, I decided to create a ‘bucket list’ of all the Cardinals related activities I know I want to do before, well… , you know…

This list can surely grow, but I think it’s a great start. And I think it’s one that every fan should strive for. Some of these opportunities are once-in-a-lifetime, and isn’t it great to say “I’ve done that” or “I was there!” 

So here it is, in no particular order…The Unofficial St. Louis Cardinals Bucket List. How many have you done?
  1. Attend the Cardinals Care Winter Warm-up
  2. Attend a Cardinals World Series game
  3. Attend a Cardinals National League Championship Series game
  4. Attend a Cardinals home opener game
  5. Attend a Cardinals home closing game
  6. Attend a Cardinals game in every ball park
  7. Attend a Cardinals Spring Training game
  8. Catch a fly ball at a Cardinals game
  9. Get on the ‘Kiss Cam’ at a Cardinals (home) game
  10. Take the official Busch Stadium tour
  11. Watch a Cardinals home game from the Commissioner’s Box
  12. Watch a Cardinals home game from an all-inclusive box (such as the Cardinals Club)
  13. Get Albert Pujols’ autograph
  14. See the Busch Stadium Clydesdales and Dalmatian mascots in action.
  15. Enjoy a Busch Stadium Hot Dog
 Here's a few from the list:

Attended the EVERY 2011 World Series Home Game, including the final win.

As a result, I was able to see the beautiful Clydesdales in action.

Been two just 3 parks so far: Busch Stadium (St. Louis), Great American (Cincinnati), and Camden Yards (Baltimore - Seen below).

Was lucky enough to get Sir Albert's autograph while he was still a Cardinal, while attending the 2010 Cardinals Card Winter Warm-up. 

Saturday, February 4, 2012

But Why?

In a previous blog entry, I talked about the why Sir Albert Pujols made us (the Cardinals fans and city of St. Louis) feel like we’d been left at the altar. And yes, it still feels that way. But that didn’t answer the question – Why? 

Anyone that has been dumped for another has asked themselves that question. Why? Was it something I said? Did I do something? Is he/she hotter than me? Whatever silly questions we ask, the bottom line is still the “why”. What was the reason you left?

For Sir Albert, so many people talk about the money. He left because the Cardinals didn’t offer him enough money and the Angels did. That’s not it at all. Even though the salary figure was higher, California is no cheap place to live. The taxes are higher. The housing is higher. Everything is higher. So the end result will be a paycheck that is actually smaller and less money for his charitable causes due to the cost of living. 

So, since his take home pay will be less, what was the REAL reason? Vindication. Sir Albert wanted to prove something, not to himself, but to all those that ever doubted him. This was for the people that didn’t pick him earlier in the draft, the coaches that said he wouldn’t make it, and anyone else that doubted his ability. The goal was to prove a point. “I’m the best. I am the most desired player on the market. And I can command the highest price tag ever. So there.”

What Sir Albert surely wanted was to rub it in the faces of the doubters. The trouble with that motive is that it never works. The people that told you in the 5th grade that you should stop playing don’t remember ever saying that. The people that passed you over in the draft still went on to win World Series Championships without you. And for the people that actually do remember any criticism, they are sitting back thinking about how they said those things to help drive you and are taking credit in your success. None of them feel bad about it. None of them care.
Inside this makes a person feel like they have finally won the war. They have proven everyone wrong and served up a big slice of ‘eat your words’. And that makes you feel validated and righteous and proven. But that feeling is fleeting…

Decisions made through this type of emotion are just that, emotional decisions. They are not rational decisions made up by a strong list of pros and cons. They aren’t looking at big picture implications such as the fall of your restaurant, the disruption to your family’s life, or the blow to your charitable causes. And sooner or later you wake up with regret, and your actions have created a situation to which there is no going back. 

It’s a shame. If Sir Albert really wanted to win the war, and not the war in his head, he would have realized that while the Angels paid some large monetary amount, the value of St. Louis Cardinals immortality is eternal and priceless.